How to Reserve a Conference Room through Google Calendar


There are conference rooms in many of our athletic facilities across campus that can be accessed by employees so long as they have an email. These rooms are dedicated for meetings, conferences and small events. Once booked, you have the option to reserve the conference room for a desired time slot. This article goes over the procedure of booking each respective conference room in concurrence with an article released from UMD's Division of IT. Check Related Articles at the bottom of this page for more information regarding conference room troubleshooting or setup.


  1. Open this article from Campus IT. Follow the instructions on how to add a room to your calendar. You will be able to see all the events to avoid scheduling a meeting during a previously scheduled event. NOTE: Any events scheduled during a time frame that has already been populated will automatically be cancelled. Any recipients/guests that were added to the calendar event will NOT receive an official invitation.
  2. The following rooms are available for all ICA staff members:
    1. Gossett:

      1. GOS-1101F (PRES)
      2. GOS-1101P (PRES)
      3. GOS-1101Q (PRES)
      4. GOS-1102D (PRES)

        Varsity Team House:
      5. VST-0108 (PRES)
    2. Xfinity Center:
      1. XFC-1615 (PRES)
      2. XFC-1746 (PRES)
      3. XFC-2708 (PRES)
  3. Create an Event in your calendar and enter the Date & Time of the event you want to create
  4. Select Add Rooms and select the room you would like to reserve. This room will not show up if the room is already reserved for the time you entered

  1. If you plan on hosting a Zoom during the event, select the dropdown next to "Add Google Meet video conferencing" and select Zoom Meeting under Add-On.
  2. Finish creating your event and inviting the people you would like to attend
  3. Click Save and to complete the reservation of your conference room

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